Creciendo en el Ciberespacio

"Creciendo en el ciberespacio" es una serie de videos de 11 episodios diseñada para ayudar a los adultos a comprender y abordar los desafíos que enfrentan los jóvenes en un mundo digital. Incluso los jóvenes pueden obtener información valiosa al ver la serie. Presentada por el especialista en cultura juvenil, Paul Robertson, la serie explora cómo las pantallas y la tecnología influyen en el desarrollo, las relaciones, la autoestima y la perspectiva del mundo de los niños, ofreciendo ideas para guiarlos hacia hábitos saludables de uso de pantallas.

Al combinar investigación, historias personales y perspectivas de expertos, la serie enfatiza el impacto transformador del ciberespacio y brinda a los adultos herramientas prácticas para apoyar a la próxima generación.

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Conozca a su Instructor

Paul Robertson

Paul Robertson es el Especialista en Cultura Juvenil de Youth Unlimited (Toronto Youth for Christ) y tiene más de 50 años de experiencia trabajando con jóvenes, incluyendo la crianza de cuatro hijos.

Graduado de la Universidad de Western Ontario con títulos en Artes y Educación, Paul enseñó en la escuela secundaria durante cinco años antes de unirse a Youth Unlimited, donde ha servido durante 45 años.

Paul ha dado conferencias en todo Canadá y Estados Unidos, ha participado en numerosos medios de comunicación y ha escrito artículos sobre la cultura juvenil.

Casado con Marg desde hace 50 años, Paul es un orgulloso padre de cuatro hijos adultos y abuelo de siete nietos.

Course FAQ

  • Yes, we have created a discussion guide for each episode. These questions can be downloaded as a PDF and printed out to be used.

  • Each episode is between 10-15 minutes in length.

  • Yes. We have translated the series into Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

  • The series explores the impact of digital technology and social media on young people's identity formation, mental health, and overall well-being. Through expert insights, the episodes delve into how online environments shape self-perception, social interactions, and developmental stages, especially for teenagers growing up in the digital age.

  • The series is primarily aimed at parents, educators, youth leaders, and mental health professionals who wish to understand the digital influences on the younger generation. It is also beneficial for teens themselves to reflect on their digital lives and how these influence their sense of self.

  • The series covers a wide range of topics related to the digital lives of young people, including:

    • The creation of the "cyberself" through selfies and social media.

    • The psychological and social effects of digital technology, including issues like perfectionism, anxiety, and self-esteem.

    • The role of social media in shaping relationships, self-image, and identity.

    • Practical tips for navigating social media healthily, and how adults can support young people in the digital space.

    • Personal Fable: A concept from adolescent psychology where teens view themselves as the center of attention and believe they are unique and special, often leading to a distorted sense of reality.

    • Perfectionist Presentation: The tendency to present an idealized version of oneself online, hiding imperfections and seeking social approval.

    • Maladaptive Perfectionism: The unhealthy pursuit of flawlessness, driven by fear of failure and the need to appear perfect, which leads to anxiety and stress.

    • Anorexia of the Soul: A metaphorical concept describing the emotional emptiness that can result from excessive focus on appearance and the curated self in the digital world.

  • The series offers several practical tips for parents, educators, and caregivers:

    • Encourage young people to take breaks from social media and reduce screen time.

    • Promote self-love and body positivity to counter the negative impact of social media on self-image.

    • Foster face-to-face communication and real-life relationships to provide balance and emotional support.

    • Help young people understand that perfection is unattainable and that self-worth is not dependent on social media validation.

    • Reward positive behaviors that help break the addiction to social media, such as taking breaks or engaging in offline activities.

  • The series offers actionable advice that can be applied by:

    • Setting boundaries around social media use and modeling healthy digital habits for teens.

    • Supporting the development of a strong offline identity, encouraging hobbies, interests, and relationships that are not tied to digital validation.

    • Having open discussions with young people about the pressures they face online and providing reassurance that their worth is not tied to their online persona.