This episode explores the role of dopamine in online addiction, particularly in gaming and social media, and how digital platforms exploit this brain chemical to keep users hooked. Using Minecraft as an example, the episode highlights four key psychological mechanisms that make online experiences so addictive: endless possibilities, novelty-seeking, reward-based reinforcement, and physical stimulation. These elements work together to create a cycle of anticipation and compulsion, similar to gambling, leading to long-term digital dependence. The episode warns that many young people—and even adults—are unaware of how they are being manipulated by these addictive design techniques.

  • “Glow Kids” (Dr. Nicholas Kardaras) – Explores the impact of screen addiction on children and how digital media affects their brains.

    Dr. Peter Whybrow (UCLA Psychiatrist & Researcher) – Describes technology as "electronic cocaine" due to its ability to hijack the brain’s reward system.